About Me

my picture

I’m a self-motivated and goal-oriented web developer with a creative and curious mind that is always pushing me to achieve outcomes without limits. With an extensive background in leadership and project management, I bring a strong analytical problem solving mindset, along with exemplary organizational skills and excellent communication, to any team. My “Go get ‘em” attitude is the cherry on top of your new favorite skill sundae.

SKILLS: HTML/CSS | Javascript | MEAN Stack | Nodejs | Express | Angular | Mongo | Ruby | Python |

My Portfolio


This app can be used by web developers to search other portfolios and find partnerships doing projects together or just be seen. This is a group project. I'm very proud of this piece. This was built using MEAN stack.

Filipino Recipe Search

This app specifically searches for filipino recipes and users can add their own recipes. This was built using Node.js, Express, SQL.

Project #4

This app can be used by web developers to search other portfolios and find partnerships doing projects together or just be seen. This is a group project. I'm very proud of this piece. This was built using MEAN stack.